Kimo Kippen

Founder, Aloha Learning Advisors

Kimo Kippen, Founder of Aloha Learning Advisors, is a thought leader, speaker, and advocate for life-long learning and talent development. A native of Hawai’i, former Chief Learning Officer at Hilton, recognized by CLO Magazine as Chief Learning Officer of the year – 2015. Former Chair of ATD (2007), and VP of Learning at Marriott International, Kimo has been creating life-long learning solutions for hundreds of thousands of people worldwide.

Kimo currently serves as Chairman of the Board for the Asian Pacific Islander American Scholarship Fund, and Program Director for two Conference Board Councils: Talent & Organizational Development Executive Council (TODEC) in New York City and the Learning & Development Council in Brussels, Belgium.

One of Kimo’s activities involves advisory services. He is currently serving in this capacity at the Defense Acquisition University (DAU) as Intermittent Chief Learning Advisor, the Center of Talent Reporting, Gnowbe, Strategic Education, Inc.(SEI), the Council for Adult & Experiential Learning (CAEL), GP Strategies, SkillSoft, Pandexio and Education Reimagined.
Kimo is also a founding member of ATD’s CTDO Next Organization and McKinsey’s Consortium for Advancing Adult Learning & Development.

Kimo’s passion for learning, facilitating and teaching has drawn him into the academic world as an adjunct professor at Catholic University of America, George Mason University and at Columbia University Teachers College where he serves on the Talent Development Advisory Board. Kimo also serves on the Rochester Institute of Technology HR Development Program Board. Kimo is also a lead facilitator for iVentiv – an HR Executive learning events Company. (London, Berlin, Amsterdam, New York City, Sydney, etc.).

Kimo has an M.S. in career and human resource development from Rochester Institute of Technology, a B.S. from the University of Hawaii, and is a graduate of the Gestalt Institute of Cleveland’s Post Graduate Program. Kimo’s home base alternates between Warsaw, Poland, Washington DC and Honolulu, Hawai’i where he and his spouse, Dorota Kowalska, regularly spend quality time.

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