Brandon Carson
Director of Learning, Delta Air Lines
A strategic and accomplished talent development leader with extensive experience in creating global workforce development strategies, Brandon Carson currently leads learning at Delta Air Lines in support of their global airport and cargo operations. He is a popular speaker, delivering a wide variety of engaging presentations and workshops at industry events. Brandon has been honored with several industry awards, including the ATD BEST Award, the Learning Guild People’s Choice Award, and three Brandon Hall Awards for Best Custom Learning Design.
Brandon Carson is the author of Learning In The Age of Immediacy: Five Factors For How We Connect, Communicate, and Get Work Done and the forthcoming book Impact! Corporate Learning’s Playbook for the Digital Age both from ATD Press. He has also served on the board of the North American Simulation and Gaming Association (NASAGA) and the ATD TK conference committee. Brandon founded the all-volunteer support group, L&D Cares to offer support, care, and career transition assistance for Learning professionals who have experienced job disruption or loss due to the 2020 pandemic. L&D Cares’ mission is simple: to foster unity in our community through volunteer support and action.